Pregnancy toxemia in doe/ewe with clinical signs,diagnosis and treatment-Metabolic disorder.


Fig: Pregnancy toxemia in goat

It is a metabolic disease of lactating doe/ewe caused by the impaired carbohydrate metabolism and production of volatile fatty acid.

It is more common in ewe than doe at least one month of pregnancy. The incidence is commonly associated with multiple foetus.

How ketosis develop?

Fig: Mechanism of ketosis

Clinical findings 

-Initially inappetence, later stage complete anorexia.
-Walks with difficulty
-Legs may be swelling
-Weight loss
-Body temperature normal
-Occasionally nervous signs ( tremor,convulsions around head and ears,head pressing)
-Coma with or without abortion and
-Finally death


Can be made on history (last stage of pregnancy) and clinical signs.Biochemical detection of high level of ketone body in blood and urine.


A. i) The treatment may be terminate at the late pregnancy by induce parturition and caesarean  section.
ii) Replacement therapy : An i/v injection of 25% glucose solution 200-250 ml/doe or ewe but the clinical signs may again elevated so repeated therapy for 2-3 days.
iii) Necessary to repeated injection of glucose can be overcome by the oral administration of glucose preparation.

B.Hormonal therapy 

Glucocorticoids e.g Dexamethasone @5-15gm/doe or ewe singly injection is enough.Chloral hydrate an initial oral dose @15 mg in water followed by twice daily for 3 days.Used when the nervous signs are visible. 
