Mastitis in dairy cattle,Causes,economic consequence, symptoms,diagnosis,treatment and prevention

Fig:A cow suffering from Mastitis 

What is Mastitis?

Inflammation of the udder tissues of the female animal is called mastitis.The main obstacle to profitable dairy farming and cow rearing is mastitis. This disease can cause the animal to lose its milk, lose its udder or nipples permanently and even die. If udder inflammation is treated as soon as it starts, it is possible to recover quickly without any disruption to the milk production of the animal.

Reasons of Mastitis 

The disease is mainly caused by 22-56 types of bacteria and some types of fungi. High milk producing cows are affected by this disease. Unhygienic management of a dairy farm causes Mastitis.

How could that be? 

 Some germs are normal in udder. Injuries to the uterus due to trauma (through the teeth of the calf, faulty milking, etc.) cause the germs to produce mastitis .Germs can enter through the pores of the udder and can be stung if you stop milking. Due to high milk pressure, the disease can be caused by freezing of milk in the udder.

Route of transmission

1.Bacteria on the teat skin.
2.Bacteria in the environment of the heifer or cow.
3.Bacteria transmitted by flies.
4.Sucklers in a group of young stock.

Clinical signs and symptoms

Swelling or edema in udder tissues .Udder feels pain and the temperature rises.The cow prevents her calf from feeding. Milk-like frozen barrier milk is seen with milk. Instead of milk water, cloudy milk and pus come out with milk. Abscesses in udder. Only water comes out through the nipple(s) that is infected or blood can come.Udder tends to be stiff and at one stage does not allow udder to touch. The animal is distasteful.


1.Diagnosis based on history and clinical signs and symptoms.
2.Palpation on udder,inspection may help you to diagnosis the disease.
3.Laboratory test is performed for confirmatory diagnosis of  mastitis.


Mastitis is a mixed infection of udder or udder tissues.Several microorganisms are responsible for this disease.Treatment is given according to symptoms.A broad spectrum antibiotic is given for several days after confirmation of mastitis.Oxytetracycline should not use, it causes decrease milk production.Painkiller is given to suppress the udder pain and other medicinal treatment is given if needed.

Economic Consequences

The economic loss from one single case of clinical mastitis.The magnitude of loss depends upon the bacteria involved,thr herd's population level & the accuracy of veterinarian & farmer in detecting and treating animals with clinical mastitis. The less consist of veterinary cost the value of milk discarded during treatment and withholding periods, additional farm labour,reduced production  for the remaining lactation period,occasional death and involuntary culling. Most clinical mastitis cases occur in the first trimester of lactation.The proportion of heifer with mastitis around calving varies from 30-35% stress,negative. energy status and metabolic disorders are believed to ne important risk factors before their first calving.

Prevention of mastitis

Mastitis in heifers can be prevented. In the first place by managerial measures that eliminate the sources of infection:

  • Optimise hygiene, starting directly after birth.
  • Reduce the amount of bacteria in the environment (clean housing and bedding).
  • Optimise insect control.
  • Remove ‘sucklers’ from groups of young stock.

In addition, changes that reduce or eliminate risk factors associated with mastitis should be considered:

  • Reduce stress on the animals.
  • Optimise nutrition.
  • Optimise ventilation.
  • Optimise housing.
